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Κυριακή, 9 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025

Η ιστορία της Nintendo σε… κονσόλες (pics)

H νέα, καινοτόμα παιχνιδοκονσόλα της Nintendo έχει, σχεδόν λανσαριστεί στην αγορά. Το Switch αναμένεται να αλλάξει το gaming, συνδυάζοντας τη φορητότητα με τις κλασσικές  κονσόλες.

Δε γνωρίζουμε ακόμη πόσο καλή θα είναι η κονσόλα, αλλά τουλάχιστον αποτελεί κάτι το καινούριο στην αγορά.

Παρακάτω μπορούμε να δούμε τις κονσόλες της πασίγνωστης ιαπωνικής εταιρείας οι οποίες άλλαξαν τα δεδομένα του gaming και επηρέασαν ολόκληρες γενιές:

Color TV-Game (5 κομμάτια μεταξύ του 1977 και του 1980 στην Ιαπωνία και μόνο)

Before there was the NES, there was the Color TV-Game. Nintendo first dipped its toes into console gaming by launching five of these rectangles between 1977 and 1980, all in its native Japan.

Game and Watch

And before there was the Game Boy, there was the Game & Watch.

Νintendo Entertainment System (NES, 1983)

Now we get to the familiar stuff. Nintendo built on the success of its various arcade tiles with the 1983 launch of the Family Computer (or Famicom) in Japan. Two years later, it released an American version, known as the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).

Game Boy (1989)

Then, in 1989, Nintendo managed to top itself. The Game Boy set the baseline for portable gaming consoles, made "Tetris" a phenomenon, and probably drove more AA battery sales than any device known to man.

Super Nintendo (SNES, 1991)

Nintendo's proper follow-up to the NES was the Super Nintendo, which hit the US in 1991.

Virtual Boy (To… virtual reality του 1995)

Nintendo followed that up with its first veritable bomb: the Virtual Boy.

Νintendo 64 (N64, 1996)

The Nintendo 64 came a year later. Like the Super Nintendo, it boosted the hardware (the "64" was for its 64-bit processor), allowed for many fantastic games ("Ocarina of Time," "GoldenEye 007," "Mario Kart 64," etc.), and introduced a more complex controller (which, if nothing else, has never been duplicated).

Game Boy Color (1998)

While Nintendo had launched a couple iterations of the original Game Boy by 1998, the Game Boy Color was the most significant of the bunch. As you can guess, it was a Game Boy — but in color.

Game Boy Advance (2001)

The first real upgrade to the Game Boy series came with 2001's Game Boy Advance. Nintendo likened it to a Super Nintendo in your pocket, which wasn't totally accurate, but gets the point across.

GameCube (2001)

The Nintendo GameCube arrived in late 2001 to take on Sony's PlayStation 2 and the Microsoft Xbox. It didn't really work out. The PS2 was a certifiable juggernaut, and the GameCube's lacking third-party support wasn't going to stop it.

DS (2004)

Its next handheld, on the other hand, was anything but a flop. The dual-screen Nintendo DS sold a whopping 154 million units from 2004 to 2014, which makes it the highest-selling device in the company's history — and a clear winner over Sony's PlayStation Portable.

Nintendo Wii (2006)

The good times kept on rolling with 2006's Nintendo Wii. You probably know the story by now: Instead of trying to catch up with Sony and Microsoft on a technical level, Nintendo and its motion controllers went after the so-called "casual" market, convinced many people who'd never buy a console to jump aboard, and enjoyed huge sales success.

3DS (2011)

Launched in 2011, the Nintendo 3DS (and its various iterations) is Nintendo's current handheld machine. It doesn't stray far from the DS' core tenets, but it did add the nifty ability to create a 3D effect without forcing you to wear any goofy glasses.

Wii U (2012)

The struggles of Nintendo's most recent console, the Wii U, are well-known. It's notably weaker than the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, it has nowhere near the same level of third-party developer support, and its tablet controller — which lets you play whatever you'd like around the house — is clunky.

 Switch (2017)

That brings us to the Switch, which appears to be Nintendo's second stab at making the Wii U concept work. It's a hybrid: You can keep the tablet base in its dock and play it as a home console, or pull it out, attach its adjustable controllers, and take it with you on the go. It's a wildly different approach to what Sony and Microsoft are doing.


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